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    Hey. I'm Nentindo. I do pixel art and stuff like that.

    Being a slob

    Of Thought (No particular one)

    Somerset, England, Earth

    Joined on 7/17/10

    Exp Points:
    1,070 / 1,110
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    Vote Power:
    5.25 votes
    Global Rank:
    > 100,000
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    Imma break the common expectation, so I'll settle with love mail. Here we go.

    Dear Madam Sir Dr. Knight Sire King,
    I am writing this pleasantry to inform you that I am ecstatic about your exploits of the late. I do believe that I wish for you to speak and show thy face moreso often, for my life seems empty and hollow without thy presence. I also wish to comment and mention your flattering eyes are quite wonderful, and ever behold a mystery of how they seem like bottomless pools I wish to drown myself in, for such a death would seem like a gift, as it would be given by thyself. Lastly, I would like to state that you are a beholdened god in my eyes, and I consider my lowly self honored to even speak with the likes of such grace and power.
    Carry on, good sir.

    Thank you, peasant. Now, get thyself to the kitchen and fetch the shortbread, and drown thyself in said bottomless pool for my amusement.

    You know, I am a new member, so my judgement about you may be incomplete and not correct, I apologise for that. However, some of the first posts of you I can remember were not that good, but as far as I see it, you improved lately a lot and you are one of the nice members here, I also like your name, cause it´s quite easy to remember and I like Nintendo.
    With that being said, I wish you a good time here on Newgrounds, maybe I stumble across your userpage again in the future!

    Thanks! I always try to be nice, since I'm probably going to wither away in front of the grey and orange behemoth (Geddit? Behemoth?) that is Newgrounds until I'm old and "uncool" as the kids put it, so might as well not make enemies.
    One thing I'm wondering about is WHERE'S ALL THE HATEMAIL?